Toddler Property Laws

Toddler Property Laws

toddler parenting

Toddler Property Laws:

As a toddler mom, when I was asked to write an article on Toddler Property Laws for Parents Magazine, Baton Rougue, I jumped at the chance. We are all too familiar with “mine! mine! mine!” toddler chants. Here is a funny take, some parent examples, and of course, some advice on how to deal with it all.

“As a mom of toddlers, you are familiar with toddler tantrums over things that don’t make sense, say a major meltdown when you won’t let them eat cereal and milk from a plate, because you know, gravity, or when you won’t let them eat dog food, because um, they are not a dog, or when you won’t let them cross the street solo, because of the minor fact that they have no sense of judgment and are only two feet tall.” 

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