When a Mom Takes a Phone Call

mom phone call

In my latest article published by Red Tricycle, I lay out the “behind the scene”s of what happens when a mom takes a phone call. To read the full article, click HERE.

When a mom takes a phone call…

If you are a mom, you can already relate to this story by the title alone. There is something about taking a phone call that instantaneously turns our kids into incapable, whiney, and loud little souls. In the world of texting, most of my phone calls are quick passages of information, booking appointments, or passive chit chats with friends and family. However, there are times when a phone call is serious business and when you are a work from home parent, you have no choice but to wing it and book calls when you can. Because I have a two-year-old and a five-year-old, I am careful with booking phone calls with potential clients and meetings to time when my children will be the most cooperative. With one child in school full-time and one still at home, I am never at a place where there is complete silence.

Here is my latest encounter with an important work call that left me, prisoner, in my room with screaming kids on the other side of the door. First off, we live in a small two-bedroom home, and my room doubles as my “private office” when I need to lock the door to ensure a quiet(er) phone call. While booking this phone call with a potential client, I tried to schedule it during “after school relaxing” (i.e. screen time)…which in theory, should be the closest time to absolute silence a work at home mom will ever have (that or during the 3 seconds it takes them to scarf down their desert), either way, this was my best bet.